Are Omega-3s The Key to Longevity?
A look back at literature through the ages will show that people have long been searching for the fountain of youth. However, what if the fountain of youth isn’t a place, but instead what is on our plates? The [...]
The Science Behind Food Addiction
On the topic of addiction, most people imagine narcotics or illegal substances. However, there is a more common but still dangerous habit that hits closer to home: food addiction. No, there are no shady men in long trench coats [...]
How Much Fiber Do You Need In Your Diet?
You’ve likely heard “eat more fiber” before, but TV commercials may have convinced you it was only a concerning issue for the elderly. Fiber is a vital part of a healthy diet, no matter your age, as it helps [...]
What You Should Know About Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting (IF) consists of alternating between periods of abstaining from eating and periods of eating regularly. First popularized in 2012, by Dr. Michael Mosley’s TV documentary Eat Fast, Live Longer¹, the diet has long been associated with weight [...]